
Your HVAC experts for heating, ventilation and sanitation in Berlin

We understand what is important to you as a planner or project developer.

Strong craftsmanship requires real teamwork. Not only on site, but also in a joint dialogue and in understanding your individual requirements and needs as a HVAC planner or project developer. With over 25 years of experience and hundreds of major projects, we are therefore your reliable and efficient HVAC expert in Berlin.

  • Tailored solutions for heating, ventilation and sanitation
  • HAVC system & pipeline construction and renewable energy
  • Premium craftsmanship from planning to assembly
  • Sustainable maintenance and true service excellence
  • Top references from residential construction to industry
Get your consultation

Benefits with HGZ


Experience and cutting-edge
know-how in the perfect mix


Paperless access to all
information and documents

Focus on

Use resources wisely for
people and the environment

Team of

Advice and execution by
highly qualified employees


Top rated for punctuality,
quality, service and advice

First-class references!

Building technology, made by HGZ, can be found everywhere in Berlin.

Villa Borsig (Gästehaus des Außenministeriums)

Bild: A.Savin

Ephraim Palais

Bild: Jörg Zägel

Olympiastadion Berlin

Bild: Thomas Wolf

Many people talk about competence on equal footing. With HGZ, that is exactly what we really like!

Get your expert advice

We are happy to be there for you personally

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Als Projektmanager kümmere ich mich bei HGZ um alle Anliegen von Planern und Entwicklern. Du erreichst uns ganz einfach per Direkt-Kontaktformular oder per Telefon unter 030 5497939-12.

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strong connection?

Follow us on LinkedIn or visit our blog and look forward to valuable insights and ideas about HVAC building technology.

meets passion!
HGZ makes
a difference!

Are you not just looking for a top HVAC company in Berlin, but a partner on equal footing who thinks outside the box in the long term and is passionately committed to your project? Then let's build the future of building technology together.

We are experts in:
  • Residential & commercial buildings
  • Office & commercial properties
  • Industrial buildings
  • Hospitals
  • Schools & daycare centers
  • Cultural & event locations
  • Public buildings
  • Hotels
Let’s talk about your project
Ambition, rethought

Ist Mut zu neuen
vielleicht das beste Zukunftsmodell?

Jeder Mensch und jedes Projekt verdient einen eigenen Entwurf für die Zukunft. Deshalb ist Gebäudetechnik für uns stets Maßarbeit – im Großen wie im Kleinen.

Got Any more questions?
We've got all the answers.

Here you can find frequently asked questions and answers from HVAC planners and project developers.

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